Why does the due date on Borrowing Requests sometimes fall on closed days?

This question has been asked quite a bit recently, especially with the holidays coming up, and currently there is a two part answer.

1)  Answer to how does the library due date affect the process.

The due date that displays on the Borrowing Request comes from the Lender.  It is more or less a suggestion for when the item should be returned back to the lender.

In late 2019, the RSSC recommended that the patron should get the full 90 day loan period, and not have it shortened in order to meet the Lender's due date.

So, for example, a lending library ships an item in late October might have a due date of Dec 25, but all FL libraries are closed on 12/25.  However, when the Borrowing Library Receives the item, the patron's loan will be due 90 days from the received date, so the patron's due date will be the first open day after the Winter Break in Jan.

2) Answer to why the due date falls on closed days.

If you are at one of the institutions that have both a Circ desk and a UBorrow desk, be sure that the library hours are modified for both desk. If the library hours for the UBorrow desk is not updated, the due dates for UBorrow loans will be incorrect.

In addition, when setting library hours, be sure to Apply Changes, see documentation for setting up Library Hours, 


  • Last Updated Dec 09, 2022
  • Views 74
  • Answered By Wendy Ellis

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