How to Print a Bill Summary?


Borrowing Activity Letter 

A  Borrowing Activity Letter can be generated on demand by looking up the user in Manage Patron Services and clicking on "Send Activity Report."  It generates a list of the user's loans, overdue items, and active fines.  

*Note: To provide a patron with a hard copy of the bill summary, you can go into the attachment tab and print the Borrowing Activity Letter out.  However, if you do not want to also send an email copy to the patron this may not be the solution for you.  Alternatively, if you look up the user in Manage Patron Services and click on Active Balance  you can click on the Export List icon to create a report in Excel that could then be printed out.

Borrowing Activity Letter Sent to patrons; contains a list of all the patron’s loans, overdue items, and active fines. Sent either by a job or by request.

  • Last Updated Aug 19, 2021
  • Views 27
  • Answered By Melissa Sykes

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