Why are bibs being FRBRized in Primo VE when the bibs have been updated in Alma to prevent deduping and FRBRization?


FRBR/Dedup keys need to be rebuilt. FRBR and Dedup keys are built at record creation and/or migration. Editing a bib record, re-indexing a bib using the "Recalculate Local Resource Types" job, or the semi-annual re-indexing process don't rebulid the keys. The keys must be rebuilt either by filing a case with FLVC or by accessing the button to "Recalculate FRBR and Dedup groups" in Configuration > Discovery > Other > Dedup and FRBR Test Utility. The button is grayed out until an MMS ID is entered and keys are checked.

The keys all come from MARC fields, as identified in FRBR/Dedup documentation. The message in the utility after checking an MMS ID does NOT indicate the keys need to be rebuilt. Depending on certain scenarios, the message might indicate "Records match" or the message might indicate the records do not match and tjhe message might also indicate the records are connected in the database. Regarless of the message displayed in the tool, if the bib fields listed in the documemtation have been updated and you think the records should not be deduped or FRBRized, click the button to recalculate the keys.

If you have a large number of bibs where the keys need to be reculculated, the list can be sent to Ex LIbris and they will do it. Send a text file with a list of MMS IDs for which the keys need to be rebuilt to the FLVC Help Desk and we will file a ticket for your institution.

FRBR/Dedup has no impact on CDI records. Only records from Alma can be FRBRed or Deduped. CZ records that have been activated for your institutions and are part of your Alma IZ/NZ, like journal or ebook records, can be Deduped/FRBRed.

If the Recalculate button doesn't work, then  suppressing a set from FRBR/Dedup won't work either, so don't try to suppress a set of records if you've already tried to recalculate the keys and it didn't work. If this type of problem occurs, contact the FLVC Help Desk and we will file a ticket with Ex Libris so they can investigate.

  • Last Updated Jul 06, 2022
  • Views 267
  • Answered By Tricia Elton

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