Why is the number of records displaying in Primo for a collection created in Alma less than the number of bibs associated with the collection when viewed in Alma?


This issue is related to Collection Discovery, not an eresources collection. Per Ex Libris, the issue of records not displaying in the Collection in Primo is cuased by deduping. Certain bib records in the Alma collection are being deduped wtih other records in the collection either because they are true duplicates or because they have similar title metadata but no other identifiers. To prevent this, you can add identifiers to the bibs in Alma if you can determine which bibs are affected OR you can turn off the "Enable Dedup" option in Display Configuration > Configure Views > Brief Results tab > Dedup and FRBR section. 

  • Last Updated Jul 06, 2022
  • Views 52
  • Answered By Tricia Elton

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