What Happens When a Patron Returns an Item to the Wrong Institution?


Return Anywhere

Occasionally patrons return item to the wrong institution. There is a way to return these items now so that they are no longer on the patron record record.

  1. In Alma, click on Fulfillment > Return Items.
  2. Next to "Item Owner" choose the item's home location.
  3. Scan the barcode.

Important: Always scan the item without choosing a home location first. This ensures that the item is not a UBorrow loan.

Note: If your library decides that you do not want to check in items from other institutions or that you do not want other institutions to check in your library's items, please contact the FLVC Help Desk and request this functionality to be turned off.

Other Functionality (Do Not Use)

There is another new drop down menu that can be found using Managing Patron Services. It is found after you scan for the patron. It allows you to check out an item from another institution to the patron. In effect, it creates a reciprocal borrower account in the other institution. PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS FEATURE. It cannot be disabled without disabling Return Anywhere.


  • Last Updated Aug 12, 2021
  • Views 35
  • Answered By Melissa Sykes

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