How Can My Institution Upload a Photo to a Patron Record?


Patron Photo Files

Patron Photos of students, faculty, and staff can uploaded into Alma so that they will show when a patron record is displayed in the system. Below are instructions on how institutions that currently use this service in Aleph can configure Alma to do the same.


Patron photos for patron records cannot be added as part of the patron load. They must be loaded separately

  1. Each patron photo file must be given a filename which matches the patron identifier. See the specifications listed below.
  2. To start the process, please submit a case to the FLVC Helpdesk. This can be done by sending an email to requesting this service. FLVC will provide you with a secure username/password and location for you to upload the file of images.
  3. After a full file of patron photos has been processed, the institution has the option of sending delta files on an ongoing basis. The files will be automatically processed by the system if the filename convention is followed.


Photo Specifications and Workflow:

Assemble the images

  • Available formats include: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .jif
  • All files need to share the same extension
  • Each patron photo should be saved as a separate file.
  • The filename should match the patron ID, in the format XXXXXX.jpg.
  • Zip all pics into one zip file using the following naming convention: patronpics_{institution code}_{dev|test|prod}_{sequence}_{date}.zip

Upload Zipped File

  • Send zipped file to An account is needed to log in.
  • If you need an account, contact the FLVC Help Desk at

An automated process will move the zip file to the Alma server and load the files.


  • Last Updated Aug 12, 2021
  • Views 79
  • Answered By Melissa Sykes

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