How do I receive a standing order monograph?


Standing Order Basics:

  • Standing orders are ordered using a container bib record for the series title
  • Standing orders will use the contained record POL to link the standing order titles to the container record
  • The POL from the container record is added to the item record for the Standing Order title being received


 Receiving Standing Orders Monographs Workflow:

  1. Perform a repository search in the NZ (Network Zone) for the title in hand
    1. If the item is not in the NZ, find the bib record in OCLC and export it into the NZ
    2. If the item is not in OCLC, create a NZ brief bib record in the MD Editor
  1. Click on the title link to review the bib record to make sure it is correct
  1. Click Edit  
  1. Click on Add Holdings icon in the MD Editor (Ctrl+Alt+H)
    1. Edit the holding record 852 MARC field $$b and $$c 
    2. Ctrl+F opens the form editor  
    3. $$b ONEMN $$c [location (collection code in Aleph)]
    4. Add $$k as required
    5. Click on the Save icon (Ctrl+S) 
  1. Click on the Add Item icon (Alt+I)
    1. The Physical Item Editor screen opens
      1. Material type: [select the appropriate material type] 
      2. Item policy: [leave it blank] 
      3. Receiving date: [select today’s date]
        1. The receiving date is necessary, or the item will show unavailable
      4. Click Save and Edit
      5.   Click in the PO Line field
        1. Search for the container record’s PO Line (POL must be active)
        2. Click on the POL
      6. Barcode: [scan in barcode]
  1. The standing order title is linked to the NZ



  • Last Updated Aug 19, 2021
  • Views 71
  • Answered By Melissa Sykes

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