How do I access a report that already exist in Alma Analytics?


This is an example of how to make a report that already exists in the Alma folders or your institution's folder available to staff. For this example we are going to use a report that is already in everybody's institution's folder, Yesterdays User Cash Transactions.  This report shows all cash transactions for an institution that happened the day before, which replicates a similar LRS report.   There is also in the same folder a report called User Cash Transactions that does the same thing but you are able to specify a date range for the types of transactions you want to see.

If you have the Designs Analytics role, you can look at these reports from inside Alma Analytics (and modify them, etc.) but to look at them in Alma or share them with staff you will need someone with the Analytics Administrator role.  Your Analytics Administrator will first need to create an Analytics Object.

Log into Alma and select the Analytics tab.  From the Analytics menu select 'Analytics Object List' and you will be presented with a list of Analytics Objects that have already been created by your institution.  In the upper right hand part of the screen choose 'Add New Analytics Object' and from the drop down choose 'Add New Alma Analytics Object'

You will see this:

Object screen

Title will be whatever you want to call this report, it does not have to match the title of the report in Alma Analytics.  For our example you want to click on 'Analytic Folder' and browse down to the folder named: '<Your institution name>/Reports/FLVC/Fufillment'.  Once you have done this, you can click on 'Name', and the list of reports in that folder will appear.  For our example choose 'Yesterdays Cash Transactions'.  Next choose 'Type'.  For our purposes, choose Report.  At the bottom of this page there are links that will describe the other types of Reports, such as Widget or Scheduled Report. 

Adding a Description is optional, but can be useful.  Finally, choose 'Add Role' or 'Add Roles from Profiles' (this step is necessary).  Select the roles that can have access to the report.  It is good practice to include the 'Designs Analytics' and 'Analytics Administrator' roles to each report. Once you have selected the roles, hit the 'Add Roles' button on the upper right and you should see a variation of this:

Now all you have to do is hit 'Save', and your new object will appear when the list of objects displays again.  For this example, once you close the Objects List you will find yourself back in the Analytics menu.  Your report should appear (if you have the proper permission) in the list of Reports that are on the Analytics menu.

Note: When I creating a new report to appear on the Analytics menu, you may have to log out and log back in again before it appears.

For more examples and a longer discussion of how to make reports available, go to the resources page of this LibGuide, and then go to the FALSC Presentations tab. The 'Alma Analytics and Report Delivery' presentation (1 hour) has an in depth look at our environment and the options for report delivery.  This page: Scheduling and Subscribing to Alma Analytics Reports has more detailed information and also goes into the other types of objects besides 'Reports'.

For a report that you look at every day, consider making the Analytics Object a 'widget' which relevant staff can add to their home screen. Making an Analytics Widget.


  • Last Updated Aug 19, 2021
  • Views 181
  • Answered By Melissa Sykes

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