What are the steps to use the Notes Feature in the E-Resources Tasks?


  1. Edit the task. From the task list, go to Edit

    2. Add a Note and click Save:                            3. Note example:                             You can use this note feature to include any details about completed tasks.

                      Click Save to go back to the Task list.

                       4. There will be a column with a check mark. When you click on the check mark, it takes you back to the note:

If the Notes field isn’t readily visible, then you can go remove some columns by selecting the cog and then deselecting some fields:

5. Again, you can export this list. Make sure you are on the appropriate tab for the tasks you wish to export into Excel. In this example, we are on the tab—Assigned to Me. The task notes are included in the export:


  • Last Updated Aug 19, 2021
  • Views 51
  • Answered By Melissa Sykes

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