What happens during CKB updates?


During CKB updates, collections that have been deleted from the CZ and which had been activated in the IZ will be changed to local (house symbol). Ex Libris announces the weekly CKB updates in their CKB release notes, which can be found in the Content Corner. The release notes will identify collections that have been removed or added and will give advanced notice of collections that will be added, removed, or if other changes previously announced will not occur or are delayed.

The CKB updates can be seen in Alma in the Community Zone Updates Task List after the update occurs. The Community Zone Updates Task List is found under Resources > Manage Inventory.

The ERM Standing Committee recently posted a document to their Libguide about Managing the CZ Updates Task List. The document notes that “*Lack of connection to the CZ means the collection/portfolio is localized to your IZ and no longer active in Alma or discoverable/accessible in Primo.” In addition to using the steps in the document to manage the CZ Updates Task List, it might be prudent to review the CKB release notes to find out if any collections activated in your IZ are slated for deletion, if they will be replaced by other collections, or if there are other instructions from the content provider. For example, under Databases to be deleted in Week 21, Ex Libris included instructions from the content provider about a collection: “History Vault : This database does not provide accurate access to customers' History Vault products. Users should activate all appropriate individual History Vault products instead .” Information such as this will give you time to plan ahead for an upcoming deletion. 

  • Last Updated Jul 13, 2022
  • Views 38
  • Answered By Tricia Elton

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